Presbyterian Women (PW)

Presbyterian Women is a church wide organization whose membership is open to all women. Presbyterian Women (PW) members are those who participate in or are supportive of Presbyterian Women in any way. Presbyterian Women is organized on the Presbytery, Synod, and church wide level. All women of the church are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Our Purpose

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, We commit ourselves:

  • To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
  • To support the mission of the church world wide,
  • To work for justice and peace, and
  • To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.


PW of Wright Memorial Presbyterian Church elects its own leadership, plans and implements a yearly program, determines its own organization, and maintains ongoing activities such as Bible Study, mission interpretation, fundraising, and special ministries within the world, the nation, the state, and the community.

Currently the PW business meetings are held on the first Tuesdays of the month at 12:30 PM at the church, except for July, August, and January (when the Executive Board meets). At these meetings, all of our planning is done for: fund-raising; mission involvement, and social events. Each meeting includes refreshments, business, and a short program.

Women are invited to join the Friendship/Gracious Circle which meets for Bible study at the church on the third Monday of most months at 12:30 PM.

Many women are involved in knitting for our Prayer Shawl ministry. This involves praying for such things as strength, comfort, and healing, while knitting shawls for ill members and friends of the church. PW will provide yarn and directions for knitters. Those interested in knitting or receiving a shawl should contact Helen Bednarcik.


One way PW supports the mission of the church worldwide is through our annual donations to Monmouth Presbytery for the Birthday Offering, the Least Coin Offering, and the Thank Offerings. Additional monies have been given to Ocean Harbor House, a home for troubled teens in Toms River; Blanket Sunday of Church World Service; the Katrina Relief Fund; the Presbyterian Assistance Distribution Center of Gulf Port, Miss.; and the Wright Memorial Presbyterian Church Building Fund. We are very proud of what this wonderful group of dedicated servants has been able to do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Sue Wielgolinski, Moderator
Judy Rayment, Vice-moderator
Alice Mote, Secretary
Cathy Watts, Treasurer
Helen Bednarcik, Bible Study
Nancy Berry, Sunshine


The Presbyterian Women have annual fundraising events including luncheons, bake sales, and a holiday bazaar. 100% of the money received goes to various charities including our church, an after school program in Trenton, a missionary in Brazil, Ocean’s Harbor House and disaster relief.